Ending Racism Partnership

The Ending Racism Partnership is a citywide, participatory collaboration of Philadelphia residents, leaders, and influencers from community, business, government, and philanthropy to end racial injustice and economic inequality, starting with our city. The Partnership is co-convened by Urban Affairs Coalition, Independence Blue Cross, and Rev. Dr. Mark Tyler, Pastor of Mother Bethel AME Church, supported by a Steering Committee of…

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UAC Program Partner: MANUpPHL’s 30 N 30 Fundraiser is LIVE!

ManUpPHL’s mission is to step into the lives of the men who are statistically most likely to be victims or perpetrators of gun violence in our city, and to provide them with the mentoring, accountability, resources and consistency they require to change their lives and make our communities better. ​We provide support in 5 areas: Employment, Criminal…

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